2010年9月19日 星期日

賀金仕博士的一封 e-mail

賀金仕博士的一封 e-mail


我看了王醫師的病人群中的血液生化報告,發現強烈的跡象顯示,疾病的流行模式是比美國差。你們人民的健康亮起了紅燈。牙醫, 西醫或政治家不認為這些假牙的材料,根管治療和植牙是導致慢性疾病的致病因素。而花費龐大醫療費用試圖治療疾病,而隱藏其致病原因,這種治療將會是個天文數字,並不會成功的治癒病人或是對你的國家有任何幫助。這將會是未來台灣人在健康上一個很大的問題!!




An Email from Dr. Huggins:

I have looked over Dr. Janet's patients and found strong indications that the disease  

patterns are worse than in the US.  The health of your population is in trouble. 

These crowns, root canals and implants are not recognized as being causative factors

by dentistry, medicine or the politicians.  The medical expense for trying to treat

diseases, whose causes are hidden, would be astronomical and will yield no success for

the patient or your country.  This is a big problem of national significance to the future

health of Taiwan. 


Time to sow seeds and grow.


Dr. Hal A. Huggins

