2010年9月19日 星期日



賀金仕博士是最早確定有毒牙科材料, 如何平衡人體的血液生化反應和發展出綜合方法來扭轉自身免疫性疾病的領導先驅
賀金仕博士在科羅拉多大學獲得免疫學毒理學博士學位。 他敢於揭發美國牙科法規和慣例下的偽裝, 賀金仕博士是少有存著良之的反對尖兵。 賀金仕博士從一開始當牙醫時的做法就一直走在時代尖端。 賀金仕博士不畏懼對抗美國牙醫協會和在許多主要牙科公約的主講者, 他對銀(汞)汞齊嚴厲立場, 得罪了擁有銀粉專利並從中獲利的美國牙醫學會 賀金仕博士拒絕或推薦放置銀粉(汞合金) 建議根管治療(抽神經) 終於導致他在1996年失去了牙科執照
在過去三十年多來,他發展了許多健康的醫療模式, 來改善受自體免疫性疾病影響的病患, 如多發性硬化症, 狼瘡, 帕金森氏症和老年癡呆症 (艾茲罕默症) 其它症狀, 如慢性疲勞, 記憶和消化上的問題也頗有貢獻。 賀金仕博士美國 46個州和13個國家作專題演講已有超過一千四百天, 並受超過1000個電台 / 電視台的採訪, 全部專題都是有關於牙材的毒性及其害。 他已治療了 3,000名這種情況的患者, 並審閱過 300,000 以上的人體的血液生化反應。 他還撰寫了 50 篇關於牙齒毒性這個問題的文章和論文。 他目前是全球發展綜合醫療方法和訓練賀金仕標準程序中心的高級顧問。                                    


About Dr. Hal. Huggins.:

Hal A. Huggins, D.D.S, M.S, received his dental degree from the University of Nebraska in 1962.

Is a leading pioneer in identifying toxic dental materials, balancing body chemistry and developing

a multi-disciplined approach to reversing autoimmune disease.

He earned a Post-Doctoral Masters in immunology and toxicology from the University of Colorado .

Controversial in his stand against deception in dental regulations and practices, Dr. Huggins has been

on the  cutting edge of dentistry since the beginning of his practice. Once the darling of the

American Dental Association and a speaker at many of the major dental conventions,

his vigorous stand against silver ( mercury ) amalgams, patented and profited by the

American Dental Association, finally resulted in his losing his dental license in 1996 for

“ refusing to place or recommend placing silver amalgams or to recommend root canals.”

Over the past three decades, he developed a multi-disciplined health care model that

has been influential in improving autoimmune disease such as MS (Multiple Sclerosis),

Lupus, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Other symptoms such as chronic fatigue and

memory and digestive problems have also responded. Dr. Huggins has lectured over 1400days

in 46 states and 13 foreign countries and has given over 1000 radio/TV interviews, all on the

topic of dental toxicity. Over 40 years, he has treated 3,000 patients for the conditions of

dentally-related diseases and interpreted over 300,000 blood chemistries. He has also written about

fifty articles and papers on the subject of dental toxicity.  He is currently a senior consultant

worldwide for multi-disciplined centers that practice the Huggins Protocol.


著名的國際講師阿恩勞裡岑博士, 勞裡岑博士問請賀金仕博士代筆寫書。 研究小組花了5年研究出一本國際教科書稱為咬合圖譜分析, 這本書被翻譯成五種語言。 該主題的書原本是關於顳顎關節(關節)。 賀金仕博士被委任訪談幾位當時著名牙科和醫療營養學家, 和撰寫有關於部分牙醫營養學。
賀金仕博士對於人體血液生化反應感興趣和如何能夠用來確定病人的營養需求, 以及監測病人治療計劃進展的情況。 他很快就採取了人體血液生化反應來解釋與牙齒有關的許多退化性疾病, 他意外地發現所有退化性疾病都有共同點。


The noted international lecturer Arne Lauritzen, L.D.S Dr. Lauritzen asked Dr. Huggins to ghostwrite

a book with him. The team spent the next five years researching an international textbook called

Atlas of Occlusal Analysis, which was translated into five languages. The topic of the book is

the original work on temperomandibular joint ( TMJ ). Dr. Huggins was given the assignment of

interviewing several of the noted dental and medical nutritionists of the days, and of writing

the section on nutrition in dentistry.

Dr. Huggins became intrigued by blood chemistry and how it could be used to determine a

patient’s nutritional needs, as well as monitor progress of a patient’s treatment plan. He soon

took blood chemistry interpretations into many aspects of dental degenerative disease,

and he accidentally found that all degenerative disease had common denominators.


在這40多年, 他一直從事牙科, 賀金仕博士花了40年來發展綜合醫療方法來治療牙科中毒的患者。 雖然他大部分時間在科羅拉多州, 現在他也花費了一部分時間到處去幫助全世界開發和建立賀金仕博士標準程序治療中心
1973年, 他知道了銀粉補牙引起汞中毒的概念後, 並很快發現了許多無法治愈的退化性疾病都似乎是與補上的銀粉有關。 作為第一步, 他再回到了科羅拉多大學修免疫學和毒理學碩士學位, 重點是, 他追求的是如何扭轉健康的狀況, 他認為這具有全球性災害防治的影響。



Over the forty years he has been practicing dentistry, Dr. Hal Huggins has spent forty years

developing a multi-disciplinary approach to treating dentally toxic patients. Although he still

spends most of his time in his home state of Colorado , he now travels a great deal, helping to

develop centers around the world to offer treatment using his approach.

In 1973, he was introduced to the concept of mercury toxicity from silver mercury fillings and

soon discovered a multitude of incurable degenerative disease that seemed to be related to the

placement of mercury in fillings. He returned to the University of Colorado for a master’s degree

with emphasis on immunology and toxicology as the first step on his quest to reverse a health

situation that he sees as having worldwide implications.



He is the author of the best selling books:


1)                               “ It’s all in your head “ in 1984

2)                               “Uninformed Consent “ in 1999 

3)                               “Solving the MS Mystery” in 2002

4)                               “ Your Goose Isn’t Cooked …Yet” in 2002

5)                               “It’s right under your nose” in 2005   and ………


